Sonnenburgstraße 7/3
6020 Innsbruck
Branch Office
Creative Creatures GmbH
Repräsentanz Salzburg
Neualmerstraße 37
5400 Hallein
Artist Agency
Tel: +43 512 58 65 54
Fax: +43 512 58 65 54 18
Mail: firma@creative-creatures.at
UID-Nr. ATU 49301009
FN 194748w
Registry Court Innsbruck
CEO Dr. Ursula Keplinger-Forcher
For application we are gladly at the disposal, either by telephone or by visiting our office. We will gladly accept application documents including photo material in suitable format by email. Application that is submitted unrequested by post or email won’t be returned without adequate franked and inscribed envelope.
We will gladly forward autograph requests that include a franked and addressed envelope to the relevant actor. We assume no warranty, when or if the actor decides to reply.
Creative Creatures is responsible for the content. Member of Wirtschaftskammer Tirol. Business license for artist agency, film production, cut, movie synchronisation, film distribution.